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Tips: If we don't explicitly assign a type to a variable, then the compiler will infer one for us.
// Remove something to make it work fn main() { let x: i32 = 5; let mut y: u32 = 5; y = x; let z = 10; // Type of z ? println!("Success!"); }
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// Fill the blank fn main() { let v: u16 = 38_u8 as __; println!("Success!"); }
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Tips: If we don't explicitly assign a type to a variable, then the compiler will infer one for us.
// Modify `assert_eq!` to make it work fn main() { let x = 5; assert_eq!("u32".to_string(), type_of(&x)); println!("Success!"); } // Get the type of given variable, return a string representation of the type , e.g "i8", "u8", "i32", "u32" fn type_of<T>(_: &T) -> String { format!("{}", std::any::type_name::<T>()) }
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// Fill the blanks to make it work fn main() { assert_eq!(i8::MAX, __); assert_eq!(u8::MAX, __); println!("Success!"); }
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// Fix errors and panics to make it work fn main() { let v1 = 251_u8 + 8; let v2 = i8::checked_add(251, 8).unwrap(); println!("{},{}",v1,v2); }
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// Modify `assert!` to make it work fn main() { let v = 1_024 + 0xff + 0o77 + 0b1111_1111; assert!(v == 1579); println!("Success!"); }
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// Fill the blank to make it work fn main() { let x = 1_000.000_1; // ? let y: f32 = 0.12; // f32 let z = 0.01_f64; // f64 assert_eq!(type_of(&x), "__".to_string()); println!("Success!"); } fn type_of<T>(_: &T) -> String { format!("{}", std::any::type_name::<T>()) }
- 🌟🌟 Make it work in two distinct ways
fn main() { assert!(0.1+0.2==0.3); println!("Success!"); }
- 🌟🌟 Two goals: 1. Modify
to make it work 2. Makeprintln!
output: 97 - 122
fn main() { let mut sum = 0; for i in -3..2 { sum += i } assert!(sum == -3); for c in 'a'..='z' { println!("{}",c); } }
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// Fill the blanks use std::ops::{Range, RangeInclusive}; fn main() { assert_eq!((1..__), Range{ start: 1, end: 5 }); assert_eq!((1..__), RangeInclusive::new(1, 5)); println!("Success!"); }
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// Fill the blanks and fix the errors fn main() { // Integer addition assert!(1u32 + 2 == __); // Integer subtraction assert!(1i32 - 2 == __); assert!(1u8 - 2 == -1); assert!(3 * 50 == __); assert!(9.6 / 3.2 == 3.0); // error ! make it work assert!(24 % 5 == __); // Short-circuiting boolean logic assert!(true && false == __); assert!(true || false == __); assert!(!true == __); // Bitwise operations println!("0011 AND 0101 is {:04b}", 0b0011u32 & 0b0101); println!("0011 OR 0101 is {:04b}", 0b0011u32 | 0b0101); println!("0011 XOR 0101 is {:04b}", 0b0011u32 ^ 0b0101); println!("1 << 5 is {}", 1u32 << 5); println!("0x80 >> 2 is 0x{:x}", 0x80u32 >> 2); }
You can find the solutions here(under the solutions path), but only use it when you need it